E: info@josa-ac.co.uk | T: 01522 275030


We’ve put together a list of the most frequently asked questions that come up on a regular basis below, if you have more questions or need to know something specific then please do not hesitate to call or email us to ask.

What is a 'wall mounted' air conditioning unit?

These systems are installed high up on a wall inside your room. They can be installed on an internal or external wall. Wall mounted units are typically the most affordable, and least disruptive, systems to install - especially if installed on an external wall.

There are now many different designs available on the market to suit your requirements and preferences from the classic white systems to the prestigious Mitsubishi Electric Zen, LN or Toshiba Hoari systems, which come in a range of colours!

Wall mounted systems typically range from 1.5kw to 12.5kw (brand and range dependent) so they are suitable for most sized rooms within a home or business.

Many systems come with additional features such as wifi compatibility, allergen filters, sophisticated louvres enabling you to control the direction of the air and weekly or daily timer settings.

All systems come with option to cool and heat and they also have a dehumidify option!

Some systems come with additional features, such as the below:

- plasma quad filters - these eliminate 99% of air-born viruses, bacteria and mould, 98% of allergens such as pollen and also 97% of mites and dust.

- Sensors which monitor room occupancy and body temperatures to help achieve the most comfortable temperature.

How does air conditioning work?

Have you ever wondered how air conditioning works?

Here is a simple explanation of the process!

Air conditioning works by removing heat from the air within a space. This is done through a process that involved a refrigerant, which absorbs heat and then releases it elsewhere.

The refrigerant travels through the refrigeration cycle, from the compressor that is usually situated in the outdoor unit. The refrigerant is pumped through a condenser coil (also known as a heat exchanger) to remove unwanted heat. Then the refrigerant travels through pipes that are connected to an indoor unit (also known as an evaporator). The indoor unit also has a coil and a fan within the unit, which pulls air into the system and over the coils. The refrigerant running through the pipes inside the coil, absorbs heat from the air. This air is blown out of the system, back into the room, at a much cooler temperature.

The refrigerant carrying the heat from the space then travels back to the outdoor unit condenser coil via the pipework where it releases the heat absorbed by the refrigerant into the outside air. This process continues until the desired temperature is reached. ❄️🏠

Below is a more detailed explanation on what each component of an air conditioning system does.

The different components of an air conditioning system


The evaporator plays a crucial role in the cooling process of an air conditioning system . It is typically located inside the indoor unit of the system and works by absorbing heat from the air inside the room.

The evaporator, in essence, is a long coil of pipe that has a flowing refrigerant passing through it that is at a low pressure and low temperature. When warm air from the room passes over the coil, the refrigerant absorbs the heat from the air, causing it to evaporate into a vapour. This cools the air and removes the moisture, creating a more comfortable indoor environment.

Overall, the evaporator is responsible for cooling and dehumidifying the air in an air conditioning system, making it a crucial component for maintaining a comfortable indoor climate.


The compressor for an air conditioning system is typically located in the outdoor unit. It is responsible for the circulation of refrigerant around the system when the refrigerant leaves the evaporator. It is pulled into the compressor where it is then compressed, which increases the pressure and temperature. It is then pumped out of the compressor to the condenser.


The condenser is also typically located in the outdoor unit of an air conditioning system and is responsible for releasing heat from the refrigerant gas to the outside environment. By releasing heat to the outside environment, the condenser helps to cool down the refrigerant and prepare it to absorb heat from the indoor air in the evaporator. This process allows the air conditioning system to effectively remove heat from the indoor space and maintain a comfortable temperature.

Expansion Valve

The expansion valve plays a key role in controlling the flow of refrigerant and regulating the pressure and temperature of the refrigerant as it moves through the system. It is typically located between the condenser and the evaporator . It's primary function is to create a pressure drop in the refrigerant, which causes the refrigerant to expand and evaporate into a low-pressure, low-temperature gas. This process allows the refrigerant to absorb heat from the indoor air in the evaporator, cooling the air and removing moisture.

Does air conditioning bring in fresh air?

A common belief with air conditioning is that it brings in fresh air from the outside - what if we were to tell you that this is actually false?

What air conditioning actually does is exactly what the name suggests - it "conditions the air".

Air conditioning works by taking away unwanted heat from a space and transfers that heat elsewhere. This heat is carried away via the refrigerant that is cycling through the system. It is not bringing in cold air from the outside, it is merely removing the heat from the air already in the room.

If having fresh air and ventilation is a priority to our customers then we suggest that they have a simple supply fan, which does pump fresh air in from outside. Or there are more sophisticated mechanical ventilation heat recovery systems that are available on the market.

These heat recovery systems will bring in fresh air from the outside, whilst also extracting waste air from within the room. During the winter months when the heating is on, rather than force the heating to work harder by forcing fresh, cold air inside, the heat from the waste air can be extracted and used to heat the new fresh air back up. This way the heat is recovered from the waste air making it a very efficient process and prevents any unnecessary waste!

Portable v Fixed Air Conditioning?

A question we get asked a lot during the summer months...which is better, portable or fixed air conditioning?

The answer depends on each individuals needs and if it is a question you are currently asking yourself, then hopefully the following will help you.

Portable Air Conditioning


A portable air conditioning system is a compact unit that can easily be moved around from room to room without the need for any permanent installation, or an air conditioning specialist.

It uses the same technology as a fixed AC system by absorbing heat from the air and expelling it outside (please see our "How Does Air Conditioning Work" article for more information on this).

The portable systems usually sit on the floor and has an extendable flexible duct that can be hung out of an open window for the heat to escape.

Who May Use Portable Air Conditioning

  • Someone looking for a short term cooling solution
  • Someone looking to add supplementary cooling to an already air conditioned environment
  • Someone in rented accommodation who may not have permission for fixed air conditioning to be installed
  • Someone looking for a more affordable cooling solution

Pro's of Portable Air Conditioning

  • Much cheaper in initial price than fixed air conditioning
  • Can be relocated easily to different rooms
  • Suitable for rented properties or listed buildings
  • No installation costs - these can be fitted easily by anyone

Con's of Portable Air Conditioning

  • Can look untidy due to bulky size
  • Not as reliable as fixed air conditioning systems
  • They tend to be quite noisy
  • They are not as powerful as fixed systems
  • Generally (unless a large hole is drilled) would require an open window to hang the flexible ducting out of

Fixed Air Conditioning


Although fixed air conditioning can be removed and reinstalled elsewhere, this is usually costly and can be disruptive, which is why these systems are considered a permanent installation (the clue is in the name!)

Unlike portable air conditioning systems, fixed systems have more components and require a certified F-Gas engineer to carry out the installation with the specialist tools and equipment needed.

Fixed air conditioning systems require an indoor fan unit and an outdoor fan unit to be installed, and they have a pipe and cable which interconnects the two parts (unlike portable air conditioning which is an all in one system).

Who May Use Fixed Air Conditioning

  • Someone looking to cool/heat larger or multiple areas simultaneously
  • Someone looking for a tidier, more aesthetically pleasing option
  • Someone looking for a permanent cooling/heating solution
  • Someone looking to take advantage of the heating benefits of air conditioning

Pro's of Fixed Air Conditioning

  • Many shapes and designs to suit your requirements
  • They are much quieter than portable air conditioning systems
  • Larger systems available for much larger rooms and areas
  • Multi systems are available so you can heat/cool multiple rooms from one system
  • They can be installed in or above ceilings, or at a high or low level on a wall
  • They usually come with much longer warranty lengths, reliable aftercare and with spare parts available
  • Suitable for both domestic and commercial use

Con's of Fixed Air Conditioning

  • The initial cost of the systems are higher than portable air conditioning systems
  • Requires an F-Gas trained engineer to carry out the installation
  • The installation process can be more disruptive than a portable system

How often does my system need "re-gassing"?

How often does my air conditioning need "re-gassing"?

A common misconception is that air conditioning units need regular re-gassing when a service takes place. We get many customers asking us why we haven't "re-gassed" their systems during a service.

You may find you are re-gassing the air conditioning in your car annually before the summer months and assume the same is necessary for a fixed air conditioning system.

Although there are occasions when an air conditioning system may need re-gassing, generally you should expect a system to last the duration of its running life without the need to be re-gassed.

It is important that your air conditioning installation is carried out by an experienced and competent engineer. Please also ensure that the engineer, or company, holds an F-Gas certification (this allows them to legally and safely handle the refrigerant found within air conditioning systems).

This will ensure that the system is installed correctly and the engineer will have both the knowledge and the tools to carry out all the necessary procedures during the installation - including a pressure/leak test.

What is a pressure/leak test?

Once an engineer has finished an installation they will carry out a pressure test on the system. This involves forcing oxygen-free nitrogen into the system to raise the pressure inside to a higher pressure than the refrigerant inside would ordinarily run at. This helps the engineer be confident that all mechanical and brazed joints are strong enough to hold the pressure and this will not allow a leak to take place.

With all the above considered we can now see how we should expect (if installed correctly) your system to last it's entire lifetime without being re-gassed.


As with everything, there are exceptions, and leaks can occur. If you have a leak on your system, the following is likely to be one of the reasons why:

  • Installation Error - as mentioned before, if the system was not pressure tested for long enough (or at all), then a leak could have been missed during the installation process.
  • Manufacturer Error - sometimes the parts in the indoor or outdoor units can fail over time, whether it be a mechanical or brazed joint, or a leaking valve.
  • Accidental Damage - accidents can happen and occasionally people can accidentally damage the system during building alteration or other works taking place.

To summarise, although air conditioning systems shouldn't leak if they have been correctly installed, there are exceptions to this as described above. Regular servicing is the best way to be assured there are no leaks on your systems, and if one is found it can be repaired quickly so there is no disruption to the use of your system.

How much does air conditioning cost to run?

How much does air conditioning cost to run?

When purchasing air conditioning for your home or business an important thing to consider is the efficiency of the system and how much you can expect it to cost. It would be especially helpful to know how much it would cost to keep it running during the summer months at a temperature to keep you comfortable.

In the UK our summers are pretty unreliable, so the following applies providing we have what we would regard as a "good" summer!

If you are installing air conditioning for the first time then hopefully the following will give you some sort of idea on what to expect regarding running costs.

All manufacturers and types of systems vary slightly but for this example we will take a standard 2.5kw split system (a typical system used in a domestic installation or small office). Typically you can expect this type of system to cost between 10p-40p per hour to run.

Factors that affect the running costs:

  • EER - the rated EER is the ratio of a units cooling output relative to its input power. When choosing a unit it is always helpful to compare these ratings between systems (the higher the number the more efficient the system is).
  • COP - this is the measurement of the systems heating performance, it is the ratio of a units heating output relative to its input power. Again, the higher the number the more efficient the system is.
  • The outside temperature - the hotter the weather, the harder the system has to work, meaning increased power is needed.
  • The amount of people in the room - people give off body heat, again meaning the system may have to work harder to achieve the desired temperature. To ensure the correct size unit is installed make sure you inform your chosen installer of the maximum number of people that will be in the space.
  • If doors/windows are open - air conditioning works like a fridge, so just like if you leave your fridge door open, the system will have to work much harder than necessary.
  • The set temperature - ensure your air conditioning system is set at a sensible temperature for maximum efficiency, or your system will be working extra hard to achieve the temperature set.
  • Heating emitting items in the room - if your room has computers / IT equipment etc which give off heat, then this needs to be considered when sizing your air conditioning system so that it is not overworking.
  • Dirty condenser coil - the condenser coil located on the outdoor unit needs unrestricted air flow to get rid of the heat absorbed from the room. Regular servicing will ensure this is cleaned and maintained correctly. Also ensure there is not anything put in front of the fan on the outdoor unit as the system them may struggle to get rid of the heat if there is a blockage.
  • Age of system - systems in time will become less efficient with age. Ensure they are regularly maintained or consider replacement of older systems as the newer systems are even more energy efficient.

How to reduce the running costs:

  • Ensure the system is maintained and serviced
  • Set at a sensible temperature
  • Keep windows and doors closed
  • Use blinds/curtains
  • Install solar panels
  • Replace older, less efficient systems
  • Use timers
  • Use the system in 'eco' mode
  • Ensure the room/building as adequate insulation

Is having air conditioning fitted messy?

  • Absolutely not. Our engineers will always use shoe coverings and dust sheets inside your home and will always hoover and tidy up before leaving so your home looks like it did when we arrived.

What warranty comes with an air conditioning unit?

  • The warranties depend on the brand of system being installed, but range from 3 to 10 years. This covers all parts and the installation itself.

Is the air that comes out of an air conditioning unit clean?

  • Yes! The air conditioning systems have filters inside, which when regularly maintained, remove dust, pollutants and allergens from the air making them very hygienic systems.
  • You can also add further UV disinfection kits to your systems for extra purifying if this is something you would like.
  • The air conditioning system also works by removing heat and moisture/vapour from the air, meaning it helps prevent any damp or mould in your home or business premises.‍‍

How long does an air conditioning unit usually last?

  • Modern air conditioning systems, with regular maintenance, can last anywhere between 15-20 years.
    It is important to maintain them with, at least, annual servicing in order to prolong the longevity and efficiency of the system. It also allows us to find and fix any potential issues before the system ceases to work.
  • Can I have an air con unit fitted to an outdoor garden / office room?
    Absolutely, we fit lots of air conditioning systems in home offices, home gyms, garages and garden rooms. They are a perfect solution to heat and cool your space.‍

How long does it take to install a domestic air conditioning unit?

  • Typically, a single split or twin split unit will take around one day to install. A mutli system may take up to two days.
  • However , if you are worried about disruption to your home, the internal works can usually be completed within the first couple of hours and the rest of the work is then external.

Are the units energy efficient?

  • Yes! The Government has now included air conditioning systems as an energy saving material, meaning in domestic installations we can now offer 0% VAT.
  • Their energy rating is A+++ whilst in cooling mode, and A++ in heating mode, making them a brilliant alternative to conventional heating/cooling solutions in your home or business.


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